A seasoned vet in the bagel world is our friend MudHustler. He is from Massachusetts, and he might just be a huge Patriots fan. Aside from being a family man, MudHustler had struggled when enjoying the food’s that he loved and keeping a balanced diet for himself. Mud as we call him loved bagels and that’s why you see so many Western Bagel creations on Mud’s Instagram. Mud doesn’t just do bagels for breakfast, but all times of the day. Bagels aren’t just breakfast.
4 years ago MudHustler started his journey. Call it what you want, weight loss, health, wellness, fitness journey but those are just labels. When you realize that these changes are for life, they become life itself and you just start living.
MudHustler says “I can’t stress to anyone reading this enough, get out of your comfort zone! When life gets comfortable then it’s time to push the limit even more.” For example, Boxing was always something that was on his list to do. Now he can check that off his list in May.
On May 14th at the Boston House of Blues, MudHustler will be fighting in an amateur boxing match for charity. MudHustler is fighting in honor of his late Auntie Bea, who he misses dearly, and also his cousin Pam who was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. All proceeds from this charity event will go towards cancer treatment, research, and awareness, you can donate and purchase tickets here.
“I am all about navigating a healthy active lifestyle while still having fun and getting creative with food.”
As you can see from the quote above, Mud has hacked the way he eats. He still is eating exactly what he wants, he’s just doing it in a way that keeps his goals in mind. Often times that means plenty of low carb and high protein products. That’s where Western Bagel came in.
MudHustler really thought bagels were something that he didn’t have the option to enjoy anymore―at least while meeting his health goals. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. He knows how to tackle weight loss in a balanced healthy way.
MudHustler has a knack when it comes to cooking, it’s easy to see. One of his specialties is definitely sandwiches. This works well for us because people already love our bagel sandwiches. With MudHustler ‘s creative mind we truly see some awesome creations. Have a look below.
As you can see for Mud, Bagels are beyond breakfast. They can be for every meal. Bagels aren’t just breakfast.
His Favorite bagels are the Perfect 10 Everything bagels and he clocks them as just 3 and the Healthy Grain bagels are only 2.
Western Bagel Baking Corporation
7814 Sepulveda Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91405